Critter - I would love to get a copy of your forms. I am the incoming prez and hope to keep myself and the new treasurer organized and not overwhelmed. Your forms sound like they would be detailed enough to be effective without discouraging people from using them. Thanks for all of the wonderful information you have been sharing. I don't know what I would do without this forum.
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Thanks!
[This message has been edited by BoosterMomofBoys (edited 06-12-2001).]
I (treasurer) use 4 different forms:
Yellow - Reimbursement Request
Green - Deposit (when someone turns in money, not the same form I fill out at the bank)
Pink - Check Request (to support any bill we need to pay)
White - Cash Box Request (change for an event)
Last year we had only one multi-purpose form and it got a little confusing. Also, by color-coding, they are easy to spot in my files. I created them in word and photocopied them at school. Easy. I'll email them to you.
Also, our bylaws stipulate that reimbursements must be requested within 45 days of the receipt date, or they will be denied.
OOpss! I can't email the forms to you until you register. I'll try back another day.
[This message has been edited by Critter (edited 06-12-2001).]
We have a form that we use to be reemburssed for things like thank you notes etc. We also have a form we use to order paper from our school for our newsletter AND one for ordering copies from the school. I know!! BUT communication has been great and you can never lose a reciept because if you loose it you can't be payed back!
The forms we have were designed by our school and Office Depot, it's a pain sometimes but worth it!
I'm new to this, as an incoming Pres. I have a terrific team, most of us new, though. I recently read on this posting of a requisition form that a Treasurer used. I'd love any suggestions to pass along to our Treasurer! Thanks