With our PTO account through our bank there has to be two "qualifying" signatures on each check cashed. The "qualifying" signatures are President, Principal, Treasurer, Secretary, and VP. Having two signatures is our checks and balances. I have no problem if the principal is on the account...actually it has saved our treasurer who works at the school from having to track on of us down to sign the checks to pay bills:)
We are resurrecting an almost dead PTO. We have no by-laws and one person has been running the show for over 3 years. My understanding is that this person (President), the school principal and the treasurer (wherever they are) are allowed to sign checks from the PTO checkbook. Does that sound a little bit odd to anyone? My initial feelings are that a principal, although trustworthy, should not be in the position to sign checks off of the PTO account. I have become a "co-president" and am anxious to get a handle on some things. Does anyone have thoughts on who should be writing the check?