We have 3 significant fundraisers each year. Each of these has a committee that counts all of the money (at least 2 people counting) and turns over the money and a log of totals (cash and checks) to the treasurer who then deposits the money in our bank account. We have never had any problems. If an event happens on a weekend or at night the money is locked in a lockbox and then locked in a closet at the school that only the principal has a key to. We have never had any problems.
Topic Author
23 years 10 months ago#94662by jrjanus@mediaone.net
Our PTO is concerned about protecting our funds. We bring in approx. $30k per year in fundraising and proceeds from social events. The Treasurer leaves social events with thousands of dollars. This is first and foremost a safety issue for her. In addition, volunteers don't want to hang around counting money after a two/three hour event. How does your PTO handle funds after an event?
What other "checks and balances" do you have in place to protect your PTO funds? Thanks.