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What do you do if your PTO has no by-laws to go by?

23 years 8 months ago #94643 by dg
if you have no by-laws, don't fret! Making some up could be on the agenda for your group. You can others as a model. our group made the northport pto sustainable by creating by-laws to fit our needs and accomodate for the future. good luck!
23 years 10 months ago #94642 by adampto
I have been on the board at our school or 6 years and we have no by-laws. I printed out a copy of Missouri's laws to take to our nex meeting and let them decide on what tochange and what no to. AT least that is a start
23 years 10 months ago #94641 by LTvarney
I'd say stop the other stuff and figure out bylaws. The bylaws are the rules you are governed by. Your bylaws don't need to be all complex but you do need them. They are the only thing you have to point to when disagreements come up.
23 years 10 months ago #94640 by Pres88
A vote can change most anything if properly promoted. If the past practice was to collect dues and you want that changed, propose the change and have a vote. We do not collect any dues.

Why I say most anything is because if dues were voted in at a meeting, the next meeting they should not be voted out, it is not fair to those who may not be at the second meeting.
23 years 10 months ago #94639 by LTvarney
Check you by-laws. Our were $5.00 per family until recently when voted to discontinue membership dues. We felt that all parents are apart of the school system and to charge dues sent a negative message, if you don't pay to belong to PTO then you aren't a part of the school and can't belong. The amount collected for dues was small compared to what we bring in from fundraisers. Also, we never checked membership at meetings when we voted, so what was the point of parents paying. We will see how the parents respond and if the participation changes.
23 years 10 months ago #94638 by adampto
Our PTO is having a split decision. THe former president says we HAVE to pay dues. Some of us disagree. What do we do? We need an answer fast Thanks
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