This year I am the Secretary which means I do the newsletter, adjenda, ALL those thank you notes (150 this year alone!)and put up with alot of &^%$# from the Treasurer because she is just a figure head. As an active volunteer with the school on other things, I am well liked and appreciated by the staff and actually can say I know everyone. The Treasurer is rude, a terrible gossip, and the office staff HATE when she comes in to balance our books. I have been asked when will her term end so I (the parent/staff) can be active again! I have even told parents/staff "Hey I miss you? What's going on in your life?" I have even e-mailed friends reminders about meetings. Alot of work, yes, but I care and really love being involved for the sake of being involved. No other reasons. I've even done small posters for the teachers lounge (got permission first) reminding them of events, meetings, elections. I really do have a life
with four kids! People forget or don't realize that if you take 15 minutes to make a couple phone calls or even share a talent one hour at a time can make such am impact on their child. I've seen working parents bring in messed up engineer drawings to classrooms and the kids think they are awsome!
We are working on a Spring Potluck, the Treasurer is throwing a fit because of the work. Last year I made 3 calls, a few posters and flyers and 150 families had a wonderful time.
I'm sorry this is so long, my point is this whole volunteer thing is what you want to make of it. There are parents that want to help but need or want to be directed with a list and a contact person. Parents I have spoken to LOVE to help but feel they need to be in classroom or attend every meeting. I have asked if you leave me your number or e-mail can I contact you. OH, YES that would be great! 99% of their responce. THere will always be the die hards, and there will be the ones that need a carrot. And there will ALWAYS be the ones, no matter how hard you kick, your foot will need more work than their help is worth. I hope this makes
sense and gave you some ideas.