I think they most likely vary form PTO to PTO,but here are ours.
Vice Pres.: Assist the Pres. and take over the presidents roll the following year.
Cashier (2yr term) deposits money and gives receipts. Makes sure the cash box has monies during fundraisers. Reports to the Treasurer. Also head of membership.
Treasurer: (2yr term) Keeps records and prepares the budget and P/L statments. We hired a tax advisor (also a parent so cost is very low) to do taxes and audits every two years.
Parl/Historian: Makes sure we are in line with Roberts Rules. Keeps all published announcments.
Recording Secretary: Keeps and types minutes
Corr.Secretary: Sends and receives cards and letters from parents and others.
Hope this helps. There are other things that each person does and different fundraisers.
I just became the new president for our Parent Teacher Group (PTG) of St. Jude Academy. I was wondering if anyone has any job descriptions that they can share with me. I am looking to re-doing our by-laws and this would help me. We would like to add a Ways and Means chairperson also.