Well....our meeting went pretty well. It was easier having an agenda, however everyone didn't really stick to it in order. Alot of items were some-what related to each other so therefore caused some jumping around.
I had one person come up to me at the end of the meeting and liked the "reading on the Minutes", they had never done that before. OH MY GOODNESS! Ha Ha
Anyway, I wanted my officers to give their reports and they all looked at me strange and when my treasurer showed up 45 minutes later she didn't have a report either, nor could she tell me the balance in our checking account. My V.P. and I feel there was no excuse for that and when I suggested that my treasurer give me a total at some point before the next meeting she asked me if I wanted her to give me a "run down" of every check she wrote for the month of February.
I cautioned the entire PTO Members that "No Checks" should be written and "No Money" issued with out the vote of the PTO. We are preparing for a carnival coming up soon and I had outbursts at that time that people are using there own money to purchase various items and expect to be re-imbursed instead of waiting on a vote.