We also have a nominating committee. I don't feel that we use the committee to its full scope. We do the following:
1.Make an annoucement that we need this 3 person committee.
2.Send out a flier stating the same.
3.The president has to appoint the 3 people.
4. The 3 people have to ask the existing board if they would like to run.
5. If they don't and no one is knocking at the door they need to round up someone.
I have often thought that a nominating commitee might be the right way to go however... it has only been a thought up to this point. Could you tell us how your commitee comes up with the people who they nominate?
We recently amended our bylaws, and added a Nominating Committee. Other than recommending a slate of qualified officers, I cannot find any information on guidelines for the Committee. Can anyone tell me how it is done in your organizations?
Also, have you ever heard of a slate of candidates running together? In our circumstance our 1st VP wants to run for Pres, but no one wants to work with her. We have a complete slate that will run with together, but do not want to be elected with anyone else. Sounds petty, but no one wants to be stuck with an unqualified, (and in our case, high maintenance, gossiping, whiny, and ineffectual) person as President, or even on the Board. At least I wouldn't!
Your suggestions and shared experiences are greatly appreciated.