Sounds like you have a good start in strengthening your PTC, but you need to take it a step further a develope a good set of by-laws. Our principal is very supportive of the PTO,but has one vote, just like everyone else. There is no difference in PTO/PTC. Neither group has a state/national organization
I am in my second year as President of our PTC (k-6)200 kids and very little parent and teacher support. When I took over I was the v-p for 1 yr only because nobody wanted it and the rest of the board was leaving the next year. I was given no direction or by-laws, nothing. Over the past year I have made big/great changes and we are doing very well, but the PTC group has had many question and concern's. When I brought the thought of by-laws to one of our meetings the principal shot it down like it was a bad thing. I have found several by-law samples. Thank you. I have thousand of questions but will start with only two. My question is what is the power of the principal over the committee? What is the difference between a PTC or a PTO?