I can only speak for myself here but...The reason I became the President of my children's PTO is to do good things for the kids. It was not to become popular or please all parents (that would be humanly impossible). I have been blindsided at meetings with people who have issues about everything I do...I have came to this board to ask for help or advice and to vent a little. I do not however talk about our PTO members in chatty back stabbing gossip with anyone...gossip is wrong all the way back to the Bible and it can destroy a PTO. I'm sure no one comes away a winner at that point. I sincerely hope that when you all step back and look into the children's faces of the people you are gossiping about that you do not feel resentment towards them if you do you need to check yourself and perhaps take a break from PTOing until you can control your actions and your words.