We also had problems with less than adequate bookeeping from our last term treasurer. You must be aware that all monies raised must be accounted for and any expenditures must be accounted for by receipts or the such. If there are any discrepancies, that treasurer can be accountable and charges can be filed if you discover any misused funds. We have co-treasurers who will only write a check for a voted on expenditure and a receipt must be supplied. We keep a ledger and also our check register. If you are a non-profit organization, you must be very careful because you can be subject to IRS audit. Good Luck to you. From a former PTO president.
Our Pto is and has been undergoing changes. I was just elected president, having served as vice president last year. Our treasurer has been in office for several years. This is her last year. We have a new treasurer in training. The trainee and I, in trying to prepare for the transition, have found the current bookkeeping less than adequate. Where do I find proper bookkeeping procedures, and how do I diplomatically implement them without insulting the long term officer?