Listed below are a collection of various web sites dealing with non-profits. PTO Today is still the best "home" for us as a group, but these might provide some useful niche information. Note, the Non-profit management sites are generally for non-profit business more complex than our PTOs - having employees, assets, etc. However, they often have some good links, publications, tips that apply.
Gaming Publication for the Tax Exempt Organization
(Read this if you are 501(c)(3) and plan Bingo as a fundraiser)
Quality 990
(Purpose: to improve the quality of IRS Form 990 reporting by nonprofit organizations)
On-Line Nonprofit Organization and Management Development Program
(Free on-line educational program for non-profit management)
On-Line Management Library for Non-Profit & For-Profit Businesses
(Has some good on-line reading material on topics like change management and managing volunteers.)