So, the reason your by-laws require two signatures is so that no one person can make off with all your money. I'd hesitate to do Quick Pay without some sort of paper trail/audit ability. And be sure you have someone reviewing the bank statement monthly!
Hi there!
We're not experts on Chase Quick Pay. You may want to call or email someone within your PTA district.
One thought is you may not want to amend your bylaws with such specific information. It makes sense to use more general language in your bylaws to accommodate changes that pop up (and sometimes go away.)
Does anyone reimburse members with Chase Quick Pay? Our by-laws say that all checks have to have two signatures which isn't possible with Chase Quick Pay (now zelle) but it would be a lot less work for our treasurer just to uses Chase Quick Pay. Could we amend our by-laws to allow payment by Chase Quick Pay?
We are a PTA. I looked on the national and state PTA websites but I can't find any info or guidelines about this.