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Very Difficult Board Member... advice?

9 years 4 months ago #168981 by Parttimeparli
Since Tx PTA local unit bylaws state that the president appoints chairmen, you also have the authority to replace her. Do it at the next meeting. Write a plan of work for the hospitality position and have your board approve it. Then hand it to your new hospitality chair.
9 years 4 months ago #168972 by MDS
I'm kind of scared to post for fear that the person I am speaking of will find me, but here goes..

I am the new president this year for our PTA at an elementary school. I got started in PTA 5 years ago as a volunteer and homeroom parent. Last year I joined the board as volunteer coordinator. I was voted in as president, starting this year. I've done all of the TX PTA trainings and conferences and conventions, and worked very closely with past presidents to make sure I am handling things correctly. Mostly, I bring up topics, and the board members discuss. I am Switzerland, with no opinion one way or another unless asked for my opinion specifically, and make sure everyone has all information before making a decision.

Our board is basically made up of the same people each year, because we have a problem getting parents to be more involved. As such, we all know each other very well. Even outside of school, our kids are in the same sports, and since it's a small community, we run into each other a lot at the same events.

This year, we brought on a new Fundraising chairperson, Box Tops Coordinator, and Hospitality chairperson. Things have worked out great with our Fundraising and Box Tops additions.

Problems with our Hospitality Chair started immediately. I explained on multiple occasions that she would decide what to do (example, for October we gave a goody bag of candy to each member of staff). Then, Volunteer Coordinator would ask for donations. Donations would be brought to school, then, we'd get together and assemble the bags, putting them into each staff members' box. Chairperson bought everything herself, exhausting the Hospitality budget for the year, AND put her business card in each baggie. We informed her this was a conflict of interest, and she took all of her stuff home, leaving us to scramble. I told her it was fine, apologized for any miscommunication, and assured her we would would work closely with her for November to make sure she understood and was comfortable with how we handled things.

She skipped the November meeting, so as of 2 days ago, I had not heard from her nor seen her in a full month. She did not return any phone calls or emails from myself or other board members. 2 days ago she called me and spent 20 minutes telling me that I am a -expletive-, I am rude, I am running a clique, I am crazy with mood swings, and that everyone is quitting PTA because of me.

No one has quit, and I have had no issues with any other member of our PTA, from board members to volunteers, etc. This is the ONLY issue our PTA has had in years.

I apologized for coming across in such ways, and reassured her that we are thankful for all the help we can get, and that if she wants to help, we will help her find her footing, that everyone is welcomed. She did not change her mind about me by the end of the phone call, and told me to stay away from her, because one day I will "catch her on the wrong day," and she "will let me really have it."

Now that I've written a novel, my question is, what do I do from here with this person?
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