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Advice please

9 years 5 months ago #168652 by Rose H
Replied by Rose H on topic Advice please
Hi there,
It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Sometimes, this is how things go in a PTO. There can be so very awkward moments and tricky situations, but you are navigating through it as best you can. You are including others in the decision making process and sounds like you are on your way to having it resolved. It sounds like this other person wanted to do things her way and is now unhappy that it didn't happen. This is also common! I would say try to move on now. If she continues to complain about this to others, you can try reaching out to her and say that you are hearing that she is still upset and can you talk about it.

Hang in there!

9 years 5 months ago #168648 by Anonymous
Advice please was created by Anonymous
I would like to get some advise about a situation. I am currently the PTO president at my child's school. At the start of this school year another PTO member showed me a design for a t-shirt fundraiser. She had worked with a local person that makes t-shirts, which I thought was great. However, the design was not very good and I told her I didn't like the graphic and other members agreed. She then said that they could probably come up with another design to use. A couple weeks later the PTO member messaged me saying she was ready to send order forms out. I told her that we had never agreed on a design yet. I went then to see the design and it was worse than the first one. So I once again told her no on that design and we got the opinion of others. Everyone we asked agreed the design was not good. She then wanted me to talk with the person doing the shirts to see if she had a better graphic. I told her I could so the member called the shirt person right in front of me and told her I would be coming there that day. I spoke up and said I had other things to do that day and couldn't go then. I later contacted the shirt person to see if she could send me pictures of the graphics she had and I was told she would do it that day. It has been about 20 days and I have never heard anything from this person. However, the PTO member said that the shirt person told her she tried to send me pictures but they wouldn't send. I feel that the shirt person should have contacted me to tell me this instead of the other member.

I have a feeling that the other member may have worked out a side deal with this shirt person. The other member has this person do other shirts, hats, etc. for an association she is part of.
Also after she had shown me the first design and I told her I didn't like it, she started acting funny towards me. Before this we was friends and would at least say hi when we saw each other. After this I would say hi to her but she just ignored me. It doesn't make sense to me why she would get so upset about us not using her design when no one liked it.
Another thing that bothered me about going with the local t-shirt person was the fact that the PTO member wanting us to use them told me that she wouldn't buy the shirts during the fundraiser and would wait to get some later for a lower price straight from them. Apparently she did this last year. After she told me this I suggested to sell the shirts (if we could get a better design) at cost instead of as a fundraiser. Her answer was no. I feel that everyone regardless if you are a PTO member or not, should pay the same price. I don't think it is right for her to be able to get shirts cheaper while everyone else has to pay more.
I did find a company online that had several good designs. So I took the designs to our PTO meeting to get the opinion of every member to choose one. Before the meeting I was meeting with a teacher and some of the other PTO members showed up early for the meeting. A friend of mine told me that the other member was bad mouthing me because I didn't like her design. At the start of the meeting we discussed the t-shirt designs and everyone including the Principal said the other members design was not good. But everyone liked the designs I had. The other member seemed like she could not handle the fact that we was going to go with one of my designs. She ended up having the principal get a t-shirt design that he was planning on doing for the staff. It was a nice design and everyone liked that one and the ones I had. We ended up agreeing to go with the company that cost less which was the one I had found. But during the discussion the other member was trying everything to convince the others that the company I had picked was the highest priced one. So I'm not 100% sure which one the other members knew was the lowest price. I am going to go ahead and send out my design. If anyone says anything then I can show them which one was the lowest priced which was what everyone decided on.
Has anyone else dealt with a situation like this? What would you do? What do you think is in the best interest of the school? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
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