I have recently started up a PTO at my daughter's public school. We had the first introductory meeting and opened the floor to anyone who wanted to throw their name in for a board position. The positions open were President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Translator (very heavy Spanish speaking population!).
I put my name in for President, someone else for Vice President, someone else for Treasurer. Secretary and Translator are open.
Prior to us opening the floor, the principal told me that this should be "it" for nominations.
We instead kept things open for another week (as some of the people present at the meeting wanted some time to think about it), which closes tomorrow. A flyer will go home regarding the election and the actual election will be the following Wednesday.
How do we go about this? This is a BRAND new PTO so there are no bylaws in place yet.
Can it just be a yes/no majority vote since everything is uncontested? How do we do that? And what do we do for treasurer and secretary? open the floor for it at the actual meeting?
And do I list the current candidates on the flyer home?