This could be a situation where the PTO isn't set up as an independent group but is an extension of the school. In that case, it may be structuring things in its own way, and they certainly have a right to do that, but you have to wonder how successful they will be. Have not heard often about groups that set things up their way with this succession plan.In particular, you could say it is unusual that the secretary would automatically move up to treasurer.
It is reasonable for you to check with the group's officers (or the school office) to find out how the group was set up. If more parents want to start participating, it also is reasonable for you and other parents to get that point across at an upcoming meeting and see if they are open to becoming more inclusive. The problem this group will have is if they don't let parents participate, they aren't going to be able to build much of a community, and they are going to find it hard to get things done and raise money. And, if they can't do those things, what is the point?
I wonder if I have a unique situation. A PTO was created for my daughter's school where one did not exist before.
The initial Board of Directors was APPOINTED by the principal; he chose a president who then chose the rest of the board. There were no nominations, no voting. Parents were, I think rightly, upset.
Now, the Board is getting ready to accept nominations for open positions (no one has said what positions are open yet).
However, the positions of Pres, VP, Tresurer, and Secretary are revolving. The current VP will be come Pres, the Tres. will become VP, the Secr with become Tres. and this is scheduled to occur for the next 4 years.
There is NO PARENT VOTING involved. In fact, parents do not vote on ANYTHING including how the PTO spends money, etc.
Is this unusual? What can be done so parents gain voting rights? Any help greatly appreciated.