As a parent (PTO dad) and web designer, I'm very curious about how many PTOs have web sites and for what uses.
Feel free to expand upon the survey.
The Basics
- Do you have a web site for your PTA/PTO? If so...
- What percentage of your membership uses your web site?
- Do you share a web site with your school or district?
- Do you share your web site with other schools in your district?
- Is your membership directory available in print, online, or both?
- Are you (otherwise) paperless (out-bound to parents)?
What features do you currently have, and what would you like to add? Which features are most important? Which ones are in your own web site, and which ones are supported by external web sites (e.g. signupgenious, surveymonkey)?
- Announcements and notices (time-specific or time-sensitive content)
- Budget setting and tracking
- Calendar and events
- Contact forms (web-form-to-email gateway)
- Document and form repository
- Electronic forms (a general forms facility, with online submission)
- What electronic forms do you or would you have online?
- Email mailing lists (simple compose and send)
- Email newsletter lists (with a web-based archive)
- Extended directories (e.g. committees, clubs, etc. beyond basic membership)
- Financial reporting (what reports do you use/need?)
- Financial tracking (simple deposit and payment ledger)
- Informational pages (static, "all the time" content)
- Legally-adult students (students can have accounts and assume control over personal information and its accessability)
- Meal ordering (e.g. daily or special breakfast and/or lunch)
- Members' community/discussion/bulletin board area
- Members' live web chat area
- Membership directory
- Membership payments
- Online store
- Parent/teacher conference sign-ups
- Photo gallery/slideshow
- Point-of-sale payments (e.g. card swipe or scan at cafeteria check-out)
- Point-of-sale purchase history (e.g. parents can see what was purchased)
- Polls/surveys
- Public access to selected content
- Volunteer time-tracking
- Volunteer interests
- Volunteer sign-ups
- Web site customization (e.g. colors and logos)
- Wish lists (e.g. for teachers/classrooms, libraries, raffles, gift baskets, etc.)
Cost vs. Consolidation
Given a choice, is your preference for a "hodge-podge" of free sites, each performing one or two functions (e.g. one for content, another for signups, and another for surveys), or a commercial, integrated, all-in-one site?