Oh great.. hadn't really thought about Google Docs.. will have a look. Thanks for the info. don't really need anything to complicated.. just general info to keep us updated without loads of e-mails.
Have you tried using Google Docs? I find it valuable for volunteer and committee projects. You can have documents and spreadsheeets that you share with specific people or make viewable by anyone who has the link. If you are trying to collect information, you can build a form in minutes and all entries are collected in a spreadsheet. The tools aren't quite as sophisticated as Word and Excel, but have all the basic functions and are compatible being exported back and forth.
Just go to Google. Login (free account). From the main page, you'll see various tools listed across the top. This is probably under "more". Open "Documents."
I'm trying to find a free online based software (or other) for planning our family funday. We have paper files, but would like that the Executive and planning committee have some type of online file system that we can use to put relevant info in to, such as a list of donation request, what donations have come in.. types (monetary or product) those types of thing. It should only be accessible certain people and free (hopefully)