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When to step down...

6 years 4 months ago #172774 by Holky
Replied by Holky on topic Re:When to step down...
What a judgemental and bitchy reply! Exact reason PTO and PTA are so unliked. This is from 7 years ago?? No wonder PTO is a dying organization.
14 years 2 months ago #155410 by Judy Mills
Replied by Judy Mills on topic Re:When to step down...
I'm in a similar position, except that I'm Secretary and I'm not having "fun" because our president has been bad mouthing our new principal. He's very young, early 20s, with little experience and they decided this Summer when our formers principal left (she was wonderful, but she was promoted) that they instantly wouldn't like him. And he's fabulous -- he greets all 275 kids by name every morning and with the one issue I had, he handled it very well. I feel like it's agism. I just feel like... so what if he's young, you have to start somewhere, and he has a passion for being a principal.

I love this school. Small classes, less homework, and they're learning more than their previous school (go figure). What's worse, is that the VP and Treasurer feel the way I do -- they don't want to hear bad things about the school, they want to help solve issues and improve the school. The President even asked the wife of one of our teachers to step down as Treasurer -- she felt it was a conflict of interest. And then asked me to have my husband remove his name from the Board list as Communications Chair (but still do the work on the blog and Facebook page...) But, he's a Dad, too, as well as my husband and he wants to be involved. Isn't that what all PTOs want?

I just can't continue to support her. A president shouldn't be bad mouthing curriculum and our principal at events (especially events with community vendors there) not at such a fabulous school. But, I joined to help the school, not be a detriment to it. I just have to wonder if I step down, what will happen, then? I don't want to cause a bunch of drama. I just want to make our school even greater. And like you mentioned before...I don't want to leave my fellow Board members in a lurch.
14 years 3 months ago #155170 by FoxMom
Replied by FoxMom on topic Re:When to step down...
Do not feel bad in doing this-- as you have said- you will still be there to anser questions and help out! I know how you feel- I have been President 3 years now and 4 years previous on the board in different positions--

I too have been stretched in several ways and know how you feel-- take of yourself and your family and everything else will fall into place.
14 years 3 months ago #155156 by Lisa @ PTO Today
Replied by Lisa @ PTO Today on topic Re:When to step down...
I agree with jul's point of setting a good example for our kids. To that point, think that it's important, as women and mothers, that we show our kids that we take care of ourselves, strive to live a balanced life and not always put ourselves last in line. Sounds like you have been very thoughtful in your decision... sometimes life circumstances do change and we do need to step down. Sounds like you are putting your family and your mental health first. Good for you - we wish you the best of luck!

14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 3 months ago #155154 by supermom3.1
Replied by supermom3.1 on topic Re:When to step down...
I didn't have 2 jobs when I took the position. Life has changed & we needed the extra income. I would have never taken the position had I used my crystal ball & knew this would happen. I've been a part of the PTO for close to 7 years, and the last 1 1/2 years have been as president. I believe I am leaving on good terms, and will not be completely out of the loop as I am not moving or leaving the school. I still have a child there & will still volunteer; however to keep my sanity & my family happy I cannot be in charge of anything like this right now.

By me saying it's "not fun" I meant that it's more of a chore to me and I don't get excited about it anymore because I am too overwhelmed with other things in my life. When I had more time it was fun because I didn't have the stress of trying to get PTO stuff done before work or late at night after work. Being at the events & planning them is always fun for me, but when it's interferes with my personal life it becomes not fun...

Working 2 jobs & volunteering full time is not easy. Especially when the husband & kids get mad when I tell them I have a PTO event to leave for on my only day off...

This was an extremely hard decision and I never thought I'd need to do it, but it's a must. I have my head held high and am turning everything over to very energetic capable people. If I knew they wouldn't be able to do it then I'd stick it out.

I know everything is in great hands & will run smoothly. Plus I won't be leaving 100%... Our school year is more that half over with our major events behind us so the rest of the year will be smooth sailing for the rest of the PTO to get use to life without me doing so much.
14 years 3 months ago #155145 by jul
Replied by jul on topic Re:When to step down...
Don't do it! I feel your pain, I've been on the board for 6 years the last 2 as President. I went back to work full time last year and PTO has become less important. Do your best,ask for help but see it through. It's not a good lesson for the children-when things become difficult or arent fun anymore just quit- See it to the end and hand it over with your head held high.
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