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PTO purchasing snacks for afterschool homeworkclub

14 years 3 months ago #155205 by Shan
We've purchased snacks for Reading Night, which is not held by PTO. We also purchased cupcakes for the 6th Grade Graduation.

I don't see why anyone would have a problem helping, if it's financially possible. The homework club benefits the children, the point of the PTO is to help support and fund things for the children!

Take a vote- honestly, unless your bi-laws state every vote needs to be unanimous, if the majority votes yes, then fund the snacks.

There are also grants for fresh fruits and vegetables. Our school has one and it's wonderful. That's certainly something to look into as well.
14 years 5 months ago #154647 by JHB
For something like this you need to set the stage that there will be PTO issues where not everyone agrees. The group will rationally discuss the issue, consider all sides, and take a vote. Outcome of that vote is final. Done. Nothing personal; move on. (And if the goal vote goes against your side - you need to be especially gracious.)

Go back to your mission statement or bylaws - whatever documents your goals.

For me the argument would have been that this was inline with our goals to supplement/support school programs and enhance educational initiatives. Children learn better when they aren't hungry. Enhanced learning leads to better scores on standardized testing, improved performance in the classroom. Every time one of your teachers doesn't have to spend extra minutes coaching a child in the classroom (academics or behavior) TWENTY plus kids DO get those minutes.

Added to that it's small amount, you have plenty of funds.

You also have the Teacher Support/Appreciation angle. The teachers are instrumental in the fundraisers and programs of the PTO. It's not unreasonable for them to hope - ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE ARE AMPLE FUNDS - that the PTO can help them out.

You can also look for compromises. Continue to ask the parents to send snacks but allow some PTO funds to supplement.

Good luck!
14 years 5 months ago #154644 by wbmueller
Thanks for your input. The Elementary Teachers are asking our PTO to purchase snacks for about 30 kids in our after-school Homework club. Currently, the teachers pay for the snacks themselves because our school does not have a budget for the after school snacks. My guess is that we are taking about spending $150.00 for the entire school year. We had a parent start the discussion via email/reply all that said she feels that providing a snack does not fit within our mission statement and is not any educational value. She feels that the parents should be sending snacks who are in this club. These kids do not have those kind of parents. The majority of the kids are in the club because they are lacking the help at home. She sent it to everyone on my email list, which includes several teachers. We do have plenty of money and it's only for two days a week; but, now I'm trying to stop the email and just discuss it at tonight's meeting. I'm all for it and was looking to try and find documentation or other groups that have provided snacks to back me up. I think the two parents causing the problem are being very unprofessional and our teachers are saying, "why should we ask for anything if this is how we are going to be treated?"
14 years 5 months ago #154642 by JHB
We had similar discussions about funding extra food for kids who forgot to bring a lunch. And people on both sides of the issue. But after talking through the logistics of it, we agreed that situation was better left up to the school to handle. (They weren't looking for our help; some of the parents just thought what the school provided was too little.)

But we provided snacks for field trips, special activities such as Track and Field Day. Sometimes we helped coordinate parent-donated snacks for testing days.

What has caused hard feelings between the school and PTO? Is it the school asking for this?

Our group probably would have been okay with it if we had plenty of funds as you say you do, but I don't know all the specifics.

Is there a compromise? Can you furnish snacks once or twice a week?
14 years 5 months ago #154637 by wbmueller
Our PTO has been asked if we would like to purchase snacks for the after school homework club in the Elementary. We are a small school and have about 30 kids. We have plenty of funds; but, we have some PTO parents that feel that this is not the mission of the PTO and are arguing against it. This has really caused some hard feelings between the school and PTO. Has anyone else purchased snacks for an afterschool homework club or something like it? Our community is a lower income community and these kids need the homework club and their parents would probably not be sending a snack.
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