2) Do your by-laws include a description of the treasurer's responsibilities including how often to provide financial reports?
2) Do you have regularly scheduled board meetings or are the meeting randomly scheduled?
3) Does the board operate off an agenda during these meetings? Do the individual board members contribute to what topics are placed on each meeting's agenda?
4) Do your past president(s) have voting rights per the by-laws? If so, how long do they hold the title "past president" before they "fall off" the board to simply become another school parent?
5) Have you spoken with each individual board member regarding the productivity of the board? What do they say?
How do you run a PTO with Board Members who do not cooperate? We have one past president who butts into EVERYTHING and tries to run the meetings. We have a treasurer (outgoing) who is in the pocket of the past president and together they do everything they can to make us non-productive. The treasurer does not show up at meetings, forgets to bring reimbursement checks, and has NEVER provided a treasurer's report. Tonight we have yet another meeting and may not have a quorum for voting on several critical agenda items. I am at my wit's end with this group and that is not very productive for our school, our students, our parents, etc. HELP!