Nothing about that seems proper, but your by-laws should have a section for voting and procedure. If they don't, nows as good a time as any to work that in.
We have a nominating committee, usually 2 or 3 people, who are appointed by the president. The NC is selected in Feb and nominations are made in March and voting in April and finally installation in May. The NC is announced in Feb and a general announcement is made stating that any interested parties should contact someone on the NC. The NC also kind of scouts around and approaches parents who may have expressed some interest earlier in the year. We do have a voting procedure, but we have not had to use it in quite a few years as we have not had 2 people running for the same office.
Our officers are President, 1st Vice President, 2nd VP, Secretary and Treasurer. All but the President are 2 year terms. Although, I think if a Pres expressed interest in staying on a second year, we'd probably go for it. Sometimes a board member will move to a different position for their 2nd term, if a different position is open or suddenly becomes vacant.
How does your PTO vote for officers? It is time for our election of officers. Our president didn't send a note out to parents until Tuesday with a cut off of Wednesday for those interested in running for office. The meeting was held on Thursday with only 3 parents and the board attending. The only office being contested was vice president. Papers were passed out to everyone in attendence (8) and names were circled. The president then took up the papers and the meeting ended. No announcement was made and nobody else got to look at the votes. Is this proper?