2 sided -- Why not just disregard the second hand emails and suggest that the person you work with do the same? Eventually, maybe the past president will contact you directly with her comments. At that point, you can then say, "Thank you for your suggestions. We'll give it consideration" and then move on.
I am in a similar position & am at a complete loss. Our problem isn't so much of negativity, its old vs. new. If the past president doesn't think we are moving things along the way she would have done it, she calls the person I'm working w/ and then that person sends an email out and mentions that so & so thinks we should be doing this and not this. When I respond, I get nothing back from the person who sent the email - I feel like I'm on the defensive side of things all day long & am starting to think all of this meddling is rendering us ineffective as a group - I really feel like I've lost control and not sure how to set it straight.
Is there a nice way to tell the past president we love all her insight (which has been done numerous times) but she needs to butt out!
I am really at a loss here, I am a new P.T.O president. There has not been an update of bi-laws since 1992. So I am in the process of having those with the new committee updated!!!.
Well come to find out that out PTO has been the one funding the school mandated fund raisers and our lack of funds to purchase school related things from the PTO is suffering! I have been told that it has always been this way and that is the way it is to be done please help!!! I am in need of some guidance!!!
Check your bylaws. You may be able to oust her through that process. Have a special Board meeting and majority takes all... meaning a vacancy. You shouldn't have to deal with difficult people.
Luckily for my PTO our President chose not to return and hasn't been a burden -- not involved. She'd been on the Board for several years and many problems resulted with people and daily operations.
I have been searching for articles and ideas on how to handle our past president. Our PTO works wonderfully together - with the exception of her, we have more involvement than we ever have had before.
Our past president has taken on another board role, so she is still involved. Everything is a battle with her, to the point we are losing volunteers because they dont have the energy to 'fight' with her. She is very negatve and is passing her negative opinions on to other parents. The principal has even stepped in to talk to her because there have been several complaints regarding her. As president, what can I do? I have tried to reason with her, we have kept her involved, but no matter what I do, she finds fault. Again, it is not only me that feels this way - it is the entire board consisting of 8 people.
Thoughts, suggestions and ideas would be appreciated! Thanks!