Our treasurer uses the giant binder as well, though she doesn't have to cart it around anywhere.
Other than the tear off stubs, I see no benefit to that monstrosity. And as you noted, a regular check register will do the job just fine.
I'd go ahead and order regular checks. Perhaps the bank will give you a break since they didn't tell you they were the giant checks and not normal sized? Couldn't hurt to ask!
Somehow in moment of weakness I became treasurer of our Project Graduation group (parent-organized party for seniors the night of graduation. Chaperoned, SAFE lock-in event provided as alternative to the often-more risky partying that goes on that night.)
Got the EIN. Found a local, friendly bank willing to give us a free account. Only cost was ordering the checks from them.
Ugh - I had no clue we'd be getting the giant commercial checkbook. The pages are about 8-1/2x14". Comes without a binder/cover and it needs a special kind - 7 rings, costs about $25 and up to order. This thing is huge and very awkward to cart around.
The group will only be in existence for 10 months. I doubt we'll write 50 checks. I'm seriously considering filing these away and ordering a regular set of checks online. I regret wasting the funds on these and would pay for the new ones myself.
What do you think? Any downside? Any reason benefit to using these?
They do have the tear off stub that allows for more detail, but nothing I can't note in a regualr check register.