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Chair-secretary communication

15 years 5 months ago #150571 by Cindy Scott
Replied by Cindy Scott on topic Re:Chair-secretary communication
Hi Amostazi,

Since you are Secretary you should have all the past records, such as minutes, Bylaws, reports, correspondunce, etc as the Secretary is the official "Keeper of Records" for your parent group. My suggestion is first read your Bylaws. This will not only tell you what you are to offically do, but it will also tell you what the other officer/committee people do and give you an excellant idea for how the group is to conduct business.
The various school groups I've been a member of in the past - the President during the board meetings would request the Secretary to do a coorespondence or thank you, etc.
Combat boots or flip flops (my favorite type of shoes), just contact the President and tell her that although you are new to this position you have read your Bylaws and want to make sure you do all that you suppose to and anything you can to help her and to please contact you ANYTIME DURING THE YEAR to let you know what you can do to help. Believe me, as someone that's been President many times.....anyone coming to me and saying that was worth it's weight in gold.
Good luck! You are already well on your way to doing a great job just do to the fact your being so consciencence.
15 years 5 months ago #150470 by Amostazi
Replied by Amostazi on topic RE: Chair-secretary communication
Thanks for that I do have my good ol combat boots in the closet...maybe it is time for no more mrs. nice gal....
The "old" secretary just before our 1st meeting of the year called all of the "new" k parents and told them about the meeting. Fine, nice idea, i would of loved to do that, but I did not know the chair did not know and the parents are also all of MY friends...she needs to hang up the hanger and share her secrets with us. The chair also wrote all of the recent thank yous???? what do I do??? Thats my "secretary" responsibility...and I would like a challenge people!!!! or I am bored. I called the chair/school secretary and shared some of my concerns and she blamed it on her forgetfulness. I just need to chill and not take things so damn personal....ahhhhhhhh I am just trying to help....
15 years 5 months ago #150462 by leslev
Sounds like the chair I sit in everyday 9 to 5..... forget stepping on toes, wear your combat boots and make it hurt! Things change, Chairs change, they owe you respect. Not very many people would take up a position that was held by the same person for so long. There should be a rule about being in the same position too long.....

You have nothing to lose by simply requesting that you need more documentation in order to effectively accomplish your tasks. Make her write down what she needs from you. If it's not written, it doesn't get done....shucks....

If they refuse or still give you grief, tell em to kiss your grits and let them do it themselves! I'm sure you have far better things to occupy your time :-)
15 years 5 months ago #150380 by Amostazi
Chair-secretary communication was created by Amostazi
I am new to PTO board and was asked to join. I am now the secretary and want to do what is expected of me. I know the min. expectation: agenda, minutes, handing those out, posting them, writing thank you notes. And of course there is always more involvement as a group than these basics mentioned.
My problem is the Chair does the agenda and isn't clear on who needs thank yous when i have asked last year. I am not at the school everyday like the chair(who is also the school secretary) and the treasures whom is always at the school "helping". SO I don't always know who needs thank yous. The previous secretary had been secretary for 10 years!!!!! So I have BIG shoes to fill. Everything was always just done...and I like that, I have all of the past fliers and i am creative so that would be easy. But I feel like I have NO control of my duties and I don't want to step on any toes....
I want to do my "job" but I don't want to ask if I can do it.
Does this make any sense???
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