What do you do when an acquaintance assumes she will be co-president with you on next years PTO board? I know this lady through her sister and now that the word is out that I am the top nominee for PTO president, she is assuming that she will be co-president. We are a very small school and there has never been co-presidents as the need just is not there. I got a call from her today and much to my surprise she has been telling people, including the principal, that she and I are going to be co-presidents (the election hasn't even taken place yet). I keep telling her that there can't be co-presidents, but she does not listen so I am afraid my chances of being elected next fall are going to be slim. I am new to town and have worked very hard at getting involved in the school and consider my nomination to be an honor and just don't want my chances to yanked out from under me because of this lady and her complaining reputation. Should I give the principal a heads up or is that sounding like I am already going to be a bad choice??? Help!