Our by-laws say that our PTO shall be operated in accordance with the requirements of 501(c)(3), or to preserve our status as 501(c)(3) -- sorry, don't have the exact wording at hand.
You can't really put in your by-laws that you are 501(c)(3), since that could be revoked (if you fail to file your tax return, for example).
The IRS doesn't really want this in your by-laws, either, because those are too easily amended; there are some specific clauses (dissolutionment) that need to be in the articles of incorporation, which are generally harder to amend.
Our school has been open for four years and we just applied for the 501c3. Did you come up with wording for your Bi-Laws? If so would you care to share with me?
Thanks a Bunch!
Our pto has had 501c3 status for about a year. We need to update our bi-laws with this new information. Does anyone have their bi-laws with 501c3 described? Hoping for a direction on this one.........thanks in advance......