I'm sorry for the delay in responding. My internet has been down.
Thank you both for the information. It was all very helpful and greatly appreciated. I will most definitely be checking the web site more now that my internet is back up.
My best recommendation to you for this year is to define your group as best as you can.
This would include creating a set of Bylaws. Form a committee that should be headed by you and discuss all of the things that you would like to see in place. There's a lot of things to consider...
Would you want staff members on the board? Often the answer is no.
What is the role of the Principal, does he/she get a vote?
Financial decisions are very important here and you should make sure you specify who controls the funds, how things are put to a vote, who votes, who should be on the checking account, etc.
Take a look under the file share section, I'm sure there are some Bylaws to look at...
Next I would recommend defining your year. When and what are the fundraisers, what events are you going to have, etc.
Next set your budget for the year. What funds are going to be allocated and for what. For example, how much should be spent on Teacher Appreciation, do you/will you financially support field trips? Pretty much define everything you want to do and then figure out about how much that will cost. Then try to define what and when your fundraiser will be...
Other than that I would say that you should create an agenda for evey meeting and try to follow it. You should send it out to all active members about a week before the next meeting so that anyone who needs to can e-mail you back asking for something to be added, as well as giving responsible parties the time needed to get the information that they will need to discuss at the meeting.
Welcome to the boards newpresmom! I'm sure it all seems overwhelming, and it certainly can be if you take on too much at once. Breathe......
Since you are a brand new PTO, is there a structure in place ~ Officers, Principal, Teacher Reps, etc? If so, I'd recommend a meeting with this core group.
At the meeting, I would discuss what is the PTO's role in the school, each of the core member's roles and the big picture goals. From there you can break it down even further.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
Hello everyone. This is my first time being the President of a PTO. We have already had our first meeting at which time I was nominated and elected as the President. This is our school's 2nd year being open and it's 1st year in having a PTO. The grades are 7th - 12th.
I'm not sure what to do or where to go. I am very glad I found this web site. I am still working on going thru everything on here. If there are any Presidents (past or present) or anyone that can give me any advice, I would be greatly appreciative.