I agree with the above comment. You can volunteer to do a discrete, simple task from start to finish - then they can check that task of their list, knowing you are taking care of it. Another thing we usually recommend when someone wants to help but doesn't want to do the whole thing is that they share it.
I'll say something like, "Do you have a friend that you'd like to split the job with?" That way, not only do they not have to do all the work, but they don't have to do it alone.
It's always more fun to do things together, plus you get the added benefit of having more coverage for more times in the schedule. If you can't attend a meeting, your friend can.
I have had people ask me, "Is it ok if we split the job?" I always say YES!!! Perhaps if you and a friend offer to do the 30 hours as a tag-team, they'll realize that they can have two creative minds for the"price" of one. And you'll have an automatic friend on the committee.