Yeah, there are several controlled ways to go about this, but handing her a chunk of cash and an open ticket isn't really one of those ways.
Frankly, the most common/simple method (granted it doesn't work for everyone) is for a chair to make purchases like this on a personal credit card and then get reimbursed by a group check for the exact amount of the purchases. Good news is that typically check can be deposited in chair's checking account before the credit card bill comes due.
In this case, there should definitely be an approved, do-not-exceed budget for this, as well.
Other option would be a check made out by your group to the store for a specified amount (trick there is you likely won't know exact amount).
No matter what you do, receipts need to be required.
Are you talking $200 or $2000? That second number makes this much more difficult/questionable to do out of petty cash.
I agree that it is not a good idea to give someone cash for such a thing. If possible have her pay for it and give it to the treasurer for reimbursement. Be sure to set a maximum amount she can be reimbursed to avoid breaking budget.
Another idea is if the treasurer or other person who can sign checks could go with her.
I would have her list the items she wants to purchase and where she will purchase them from.
Are you talking green cash? No way I would go for that! I would recommend that she get "invoices" from the stores and make out checks for the amount of the purchase.
If she is planning on purchasing a lot of small items you could do a "petty cash" fund for her that is replenished upon providing reciepts. What ever amount your board is comfortable with.
Here's our issue: a board member wants large amounts of cash to purchase items for the holiday shop...what is the best way to protect us and make it work?? Any suggestions?? THANKS SO MUCH!