Answer to your question:
When I brought up that example I was refering to a School Committee request for something that would be covered by the town, not the PTO. The School Board has to "approve" the things that we provide to the school, such as the Online Accelerated Reading Program, but that is different than a Principal asking for something that would be paid for by the town school budget.
Actually, the one way a Principal has to "work around" the system is the PTO. As a non-profit organization we can do whatever we want, with permission. If we personally want to provide our children's school with Smart Boards for every classroom, we would first get buy-in from the Principal and the PTO Committee, then either fundraise or allocate the funds, then I would write a letter to the School Committee explaining our intentions. Of course the School Board is never going to deny a PTO from gifting something like a playground, smart boards, computers, etc. And they would never expect all PTOs in the town to have to provide the same as what we do.
IMO, any PTO can raise funds if they want to. There are so many ways to do so now-a-days. If you don't feel you will raise a lot of funds with a school based fundraiser, such as a magazine or candle sale, then try BoxTop$ or a Golf Tournament or a poker tournament, etc. In fact, when I hold the poker tournament fundraisers I actually do not promote them through the school and the 100 or so players are just regular town players. The point is that there are ways for a group to raise funds, no matter what the financial situation of the families.
I guess I like the fact that my group goes so far above and beyond the other groups in the town. We raise more than twice what the other four elementaries each do, but we hold more than 3 times the events. We've made the papers so often because of these things that I heard that our PTO has been mentioned in other school PTO meetings. This brings me pride in how amazing our PTO is. And a lot of that is due to the extra, major fundraisers that we run (golf tournament, poker tournaments, etc.). These bring in over $10,000 each year and if we had to give 80% of that to the other schools to be "fair" then we probably wouldn't be putting in the many, many hours it takes to pull these off.