The president has been making all the decisions with no other meetings till tonight. No asking where the members wanted to use the money raised for or fund raisers we wanted to do. I had some suggestions. She had her own agenda.
I was quiet till the end and then insisted on voting on the Bi Laws she had written. I had revisions suggested by many to do like defining board positions and adding how you can get re-embursed for expenses through the treasurer.( 45 days ect) The President stood up and left right after I started to explain what I would like changed in what she had drafted ( And had NEVER been voted on) She stomped out of there. In had a right to hear changes and she was supposed to just listen. I was not trying to hurt her. But she needs the power and control.
We finished the meeting and had about a 35 minute discussion with out her. I went in positive and non-judgemental with suggestions that did get passed.