I was a PTO officer for 4 years, 2 as treasurer and 2 as president. Last year I stepped down and our current treasurer became president. We follow rules of conduct at meetings, such as requiring expenses to be submitted for approval by the group at each meeting. Basically, anything above what was approved and provided the previous year requires a motion and approval at a meeting. For some reason, this year those rules are lacking.Teachers are not submitting proposals and funds are being disbursed without a vote at a meeting. I talked to our president and she remarked that the rules are redundant and stupid. It doesn't state that we follow this procedure in our bylaws. Previous leaders and myself followed procedure without questioning it. Where can I find general rules and regulations as to how to how to handle expenses,and what requires a motion and vote to be approved? If I don't give her a document I'm afraid that the rules will be gone.