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First mtg over now question...

17 years 4 months ago #138058 by Shawn

JHB;138051 wrote: Shawn - that info is pretty good. I've seen that statement about the value of incorporating on various websites (with that exact language). I can't figure out why they list "accept donations" as that has nothing to do with incorporation and tends to confuse folks new to the arena. I don't know if it's just a typo that keeps getting repeated or if there's some subtle benefit we haven't found.

But as far as PTO's, we need to be clear. If you want to be able to accept donations that can be claimed by the donor as charitable contributions - the PTO needs to get its 501(c)(3) status. Incorporating does not help with that.

I dont know why most of the nonprofit websites dont specify- I never thought about changing it you add the 501c3 part (as incorporating has nothing to do with accepting donations) maybe because most 501c3 nowdays- incorporate, then do bylaws, then do IRS.

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
17 years 4 months ago #138057 by PTOCES
d- I thank you as always... :)
17 years 4 months ago #138056 by PTOCES
Shawn - thanks for your info. Muchly appreciated. I have lost your email. And I couldn't figure out how to find your profile on the website. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will email you my home address. Do not send anything to this address as far as the articles's a difficult to explain as to why. I will email you back from my home address.

It's funny that this is all a big deal now, because this PTO had one paragraph for its bylaws 4 years ago. It's just frustrating.

Thanks for everyone's info. I truly appreciate you all!
17 years 4 months ago #138052 by dlf
B--despite our email to each other I did fail to mention that we as an organization are "Incoporated" at the state level (i.e. we have filled out their form that has basic information like our officers; our group name etc) and now we are recognized at the state level as an "entity". We did that with our by laws as our basis and only included the IRS informational statements required to become 501C3 as a part of our "charter". But really--the impact is negligable. I can tell you who we talked to and the VA state forms we filed...but I'm not sure it would impact TN. The reality is that our bylaws are our governing papers -- they've just been kissed by some folks to make them "legal"..d
17 years 4 months ago #138051 by JHB
Shawn - that info is pretty good. I've seen that statement about the value of incorporating on various websites (with that exact language). I can't figure out why they list "accept donations" as that has nothing to do with incorporation and tends to confuse folks new to the arena. I don't know if it's just a typo that keeps getting repeated or if there's some subtle benefit we haven't found.

But as far as PTO's, we need to be clear. If you want to be able to accept donations that can be claimed by the donor as charitable contributions - the PTO needs to get its 501(c)(3) status. Incorporating does not help with that.
17 years 4 months ago #138040 by OneandOnly
In order for you to form as an organization, you would have had to file with your state and you would have received your article of incorporation. Ours must have been lost after years of passing paperwork along, so I had to call the state and request a copy.
However, I don't think that is any use of a parent. The only thing they should be interested in receiving is a copy of your bylaws. How you are registered and organized is not important to them. I think only officers should have access to a copy of that certificate to avoid any situations or misuse.

Doing it for my one and only ~~ my son!
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