if they donated by check, their check is their receipt. We just deposit it and place the amount under our fundraiser line item as incoming. Just as if they had sold products in a fundraiser. Items donated (juiceboxes, treats or paper goods) are not given any receipt. If they are requesting reimbursement, they must supply the receipt and our treasurer would reimburse them. But we do not give a receipt for donated goods.
We have a receipt book & give receipts for anything over $75. That's an IRS rule if your are incorporated. We don't get donations of the other items your listed.
How do you account for parents who donate money are items to your organizations? Do you provide a receipt for their tax records that they made a donation to a non-profit? Is there a dollar threshold that you use for when you give a receipt? For example, are you giving receipts for parents who donate juices boxes and napkins for the book fair or is it any thing over $25. Do you advertise that donations are tax deductible?