I asked our principal and he said since we are non-profit he didn't think we could charge extra. We'll try to collect the check amount & $10 bank fee. If they don't pay it, maybe the charge will go up
1. An individual will be limited to 2 NSF checks in a 3 year period. After 2 NSF checks from the individual, we, the ___________PTO will only accept cash or money orders from the individual.
2. The ______PTO will charge $35 for any NSF check returned by the bank. NO EXCEPTIONS!
3. No temporary checks will be accepted. A check must have the name, address and phone number imprinted on the check.
This has worked well for us & cut back on our returned checks. Last year we only had one returned check.
Since the fee was not posted when the check was written, we aren't able to charge additional? As a side note - 2 times last year this family wrote NSF checks but I didn't know about it until this summer (treasurer didn't tell me) How frustrating!
We have it written in our bylaws that all bounced checks will be charged a fee of our bank charges and an additional $15. Anything that we are taking checks for, our fall craft show, our magazine sales, Krispy Kremes sales, etc ALL have that written somewhere in the package/info.
Do you charge an extra fee for NSF checks? We are charged $10 from our bank but I don't think this is enough of a deterrent. I'm thinking in addition to the $10 bank fee, an additional $15 fee for a total of $25. Since we are non-profit, can we do this? Normally we do not accept checks at all except for Scholastic Book Fair. We did not have a sign posted regarding NSF fees.