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Co Treasurers - Ideas on how to make this work?

17 years 5 months ago #135931 by KATreasurer
We are a 7-building PTO with a Treasurer and two Assistant Treasurers. It has worked great, the big thing is getting together and determining who will do what.

By the way, Finance Manager has been wonderful for us, more than one person can see the finances at the same time.
17 years 5 months ago #135731 by ImNotCrazyImAMother
Our school is doing the co-treasurer thing this year, too. We have one "main" treasurer who will be handling all the bookkeeping, and her co-treasurer will be the one who handles the "on-site" business, ie. handling the money at school functions and handling the "in person" reimbursements. The main treasurer cannot be at the school as often, due to scheduling and they are actually neighbors, which makes it easier for them to communicate daily. This is the first year we're trying it, but I think it should work out pretty well. Only time will tell. Good luck to you!

<font color="#"darkorange"">“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”</font> - Eleanor Roosevelt
17 years 6 months ago #135557 by rkidz
This is my first year as a board position but I've been Box Tops Chair for 9 years, and Absentee Alert for 3, and room mom for 9 years, plus volunteer in my kids classrooms.

I am co-treasurer at my daughters school.

We're still figuring out what each others duties are. (we just started July 1st)

My duties are:
Transactions: Writing checks, deposits, and NSF's

The other treasurer does the accounting. (spreadsheets) Tax filing, Insurance.

Our PTA has had co-treasurers for years. So it does work, just have to figure out who's responsible for what.

Good luck.
17 years 6 months ago #135556 by grognd

For this school year, we have 2 Co-Treasurers! Another Dad and I agreed to be Co-Treasurers...because no one else wanted to do the job! I have been President, Vice President, Treasurer (with my wife) and the other Dad has never held a formal post...but, is always involved in school activities.

My job doesn't really allow me much time at the school during the day...his job is more flexible.

We are trying to figure out how to divide the duties (I will end up keeping the books)...

Any suggestions on how we can best divide our responsibilities so that the Treasurer role runs smoothly this year?

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