We use orgsites.com which offers free websites for non-profits. It provides you with a template that is pretty easy to use. It is definitely a limited site, but is a great option for a group that does not have the budget for a "real" website.
One draw back is the URL of the page, which is impossible to remember, but we were able to get the school to put a link to the PTO page on the school's website which has made it easier for parents to find! Here is the URL:
You will see our PTO link on the left side and it also has a link to our District webpage as well where you can see the sites of our Pre-School, other elementary schools and 2 middle schools.
Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
One of our summer projects is to develop a PTO web site that links to our school district's web sites. We are looking for great examples of local PTO web sites for research as we develop our concept for the site.
Could you suggest some that are particulary good ones? When I mean good, I don't necessarily mean ones that are glitzy. I do mean ones that are user-friendly and attractive that support home-school communication.
Thanks for your assistance. Send me those links or feel free to call me with additional questions.
Sandy Kreisman, Community Education This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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