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PTO paying for school salaries

17 years 9 months ago #132056 by PresidentJim
I believe that this is a bad situation. Not because of the fact that your group is supporting valuable initiatives, but the precidence that is being set. From what you explained the things that you are paying for should be covered by the town. If the school budget can't afford these things then the town's school committee, Schhol Superintendant and Mayor need to look at things more thoroughly. Unfortunately, by your group covering these expenses this will not be on their radar.

Also there could be questions as to pay increases from year to year, who has the right to fire/hire for those positions, union issues, and many more.

IMO, it's one thing to purchase, say, reading suppliments, books for the library, accelerated reading quizes, computer supplies, technology, a new playground, etc.. But to pay "teachers" salaries, that's definitely another. Enrichment is one thing...

Also I see the issue with just saying "Mrs. Principal, we're not paying for that anymore." This is something that would need to be phased over or out. I would recommend discussing it within the committee, and if you all decide that you can't continue this way then your President will need to discuss this with your Principal. Next would be the Superintendant of Schools so possibly between the two of them they could try to keep the programs using their budget.

Good luck,
17 years 9 months ago #132053 by Ally
Replied by Ally on topic RE: PTO paying for school salaries
Here in Michigan, things are not good! As PTO this year, we today just approved 3k for a math program supplement that absolutely would have come from the schools general budget last year but THIS year, is frozen. So frozen that in February the principal's laser printer broke and he put in a request for a new one - denied. PTO came up with a printer for him.

We've raised more money this year and feel that to aid the kids, we'll do what makes sense. Hopefully ride out the down cycle and do what we gotta do!!
17 years 9 months ago #131989 by Serendipity
Hi! I am so oppossed to the PTO paying salaries. It is not your job. That is the job of the school, town, & tax payers. Your BOE is not doing their job and looking to you to solve their problems for them. Once the BOE thinks they can use you to solve their problems there is no end to what they will think they can get out of you. If your school cannot afford to pay the salaries they need to avail themselves of funding and they need to pass a school budget that allows for payment of salaries.

When a school budget is voted down by the public the mayor and council then reviews it and decides if it should stand or remove what they believe should be removed. So a school budget can pass even if the voters reject it as the Mayor and council can save it. The parents should be outraged if they cannot pay the salaries. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!!!
17 years 9 months ago #131951 by shoarenough
Oh gracious! Bless your heart!

I'd love to see some media attention given to this issue. That may pressure your school board or state powers that be (i.e. state representatives) to do something about this.

It's a lose-lose situation for you as a PTO. You pay the people, but you get no say on who is hired (or fired if need be), and if you don't pay for it, the children suffer. If you do pay for it, the children suffer because money they could use for other helpful items is not available.

17 years 9 months ago #130989 by AledoBearcatMom
Are you serious? You pay Salaries....time to rethink this at your next PTO meeting!
17 years 9 months ago #130837 by WFS
Do your research to find out how that came to be. PTO's should be supporting activities, events & needs of the school that compliment the educational programs set by the board of education. It should not be to fund any part of the curriculum in the form of teachers, books, etc. Before just pulling the rug out, you need to find out how it all started and give them notice so they can make adjustments for the next school year. They may easily be able to "find the money" to take over these expenses and you just don't know it. You may also want to attend a board of ed meeting and when they discuss their budget plans ask if this reflects taking responsibility of the expenses you are now carrying? You may come to find out that they are spending money on new items rather than taking those salaries back on their budget because you haven't spoken up.

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