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Job descriptions

18 years 3 weeks ago #127619 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: Job descriptions
Thanks. We listed this on the back of our nominations form (in fairly small text to make it fit). So it made a nice one page flyer with all the information in one place, which was helpful.
18 years 4 weeks ago #127326 by marty1971
Replied by marty1971 on topic RE: Job descriptions
It has been a while since I've logged on and I'm very greatful for the information that has been submitted. Great Job!
18 years 1 month ago #126850 by momalu
Replied by momalu on topic RE: Job descriptions
I want to thank you for sharing your pto's job descriptions. They were very thorough and will be very useful to me while I am trying to recruit new members.
18 years 2 months ago #105246 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: Job descriptions
You probably want more detailed information, but this may help as a starter. On the back of our elementary school PTO nomination form, we created these short descriptions to explain each job and its commitment.


President – Serve as leader and key contact for the PTO; preside at all PTO meetings; ex-officio member of most committees; appoint chairpersons for special committees; coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that the PTO’s objectives can be met. (Effort: year-round, on-going)

Vice President - Act as an aide to the President; perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board; coordinate the general activities of any Special Committees created by the Executive Board. Ideally – is willing to serve as President in the future. (Effort: year-round, time varies depending upon roles)

Secretary - Keep the minutes of all general meetings and all meeting of the Executive Board; prepare correspondence and perform all other duties assigned; help recruit committee chairpersons for all vacant standing committees of the board; keep the calendar of events for the PTO. (Effort: 3-4 hours per month, includes attending meeting and typing up minutes)

Treasurer - Be responsible for and have custody of all funds; make disbursements as properly authorized; be present at all PTO events where money will be collected; assure that PTO policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare financial reports for each meeting and as needed; prepare the books for an annual audit. (Effort: 4-5 hours per month, average)

Parliamentarian – Act as a consultant to assure that meetings and processes are conducted in accordance with bylaws; advise on parliamentary procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order; bring current copy of Constitution and By-Laws to all meetings. (Effort: 2 hours per month).


Community Relations - Coordinate community partnership activities, works closely with Publicity and Spring Fling Committees. Effort varies.

Directory – Publish the student address directory. Committee often co-chaired with two or three people. Responsibilities include 1) collection and formatting of address data from electronic source, 2) advertising sales, 3) student art contest for cover and sections, 4) layout and coordination with printer. Project occurs in September-October and effort varies depending on how work is divided.

Fundraising - Manage the coordination of the PTO’s fund-raising activities. The PTO holds one big catalog sale in the fall and assists the school with its spring fundraiser. Other small programs include Box Tops for Education and “family nights” where a restaurant or recreation center hosts a “Northwest Night.” Only 2 or 3 per year, Family Nights require minimal effort – a few phone calls to arrange and sending home a flyer (usually supplied by host). Effort: September Sale (12-14 hours), Spring Sale (3-5 hours), Family Nights (1-2 hrs each).

Hospitality – Coordinate any hospitality activities, including welcome program and documentation for new families and kindergarten families.

Membership - Organize the annual PTO membership drive and the on-going process to encourage membership. Maintain membership records. Effort is primarily in August, September. 3-5 hours per month. Minimal role after September.

Publicity - Disseminate positive information to the community about the school, its students, and the PTO. Promote related activities and programs in order to heighten community awareness. Many tasks (like notices to newspaper) can be accomplished via email. (Effort: year-round, but minimal, 1-2 hours per month.)

Science Fair – Organize the school’s Science Fair in spring. Act as liaison to Austin Area Science Fest to coordinate, promote event to students, recruit judges, arrange awards, plan setup of Fair. Effort can be split among multiple project leaders, but includes 1-2 hours per month during year, 10-20 hours per month for the two months surrounding Fair (Jan/Feb or Feb/Mar).

Spring Fling – Coordinate the PTO’s annual spring family event. Typically includes bingo, silent auction, concession sales, and activities (either a sock hop or a carnival). Usually held in March or April. Significant planning begins by December. Involves a large committee with project leaders for various areas. Effort is substantial, especially the 6 weeks prior to the event. Time spent depends on how work is divided and how roles assigned.

Teacher Appreciation – Organize monthly teacher appreciation activities and to coordinate daily recognition for Teach Appreciation Week in May. Generally, each month is rotated so that a specific grade hosts the activity (lunch, dessert, treat, small gift, etc.) Works closely with Hospitality and Grade Parents. (Effort: 2-4 hours per month, more in May depending on what activities planned.)

T-Shirt - Coordinate the selection, design, ordering, inventory, and sales of school T-shirts and any related products. (Effort varies. Peak sales in August/September. New design in late Spring/Summer).

Volunteer – Coordinate volunteers for PTO events and school activities. Collect list of general volunteers at beginning of year and for special events. Assure that volunteer data is recorded and available to both the Board and teachers. Work with teachers, staff, and leaders of committees to assure volunteers are recruited for programs. On-going dialog with Grade Parents as to class and grade activities. (Effort: on-going, year round; time peaks with a few big events. Average: 3 hours per month; could range from 0 to 8 hours per month during major events.)

This next one was indented to fall under Volunteer.
Grade Parent – One parent representative from each grade (K-5) whose job is to touch base with the teachers of that grade and report at the monthly meeting of the PTO Executive Board. The Grade Parent relays what activities are occurring in that grade, if any field trips or programs are planned, if the teachers need volunteers for upcoming events. (Effort is minimal – 1 hour per month). Appointed at beginning of year.

Winter Holidays Around the World – (previously known as “Breakfast with Santa”) – Organize Saturday morning family event held in early or mid December. This is one of the most popular PTO events and generally has a long list of eager volunteers. Program includes pictures with Santa, hot chocolate & donuts, crafts/activities featuring various cultural traditions, Christmas Karaoke. Planning begins in November, responsibilities end after event. Time varies depending on how roles assigned.
18 years 2 months ago #105245 by marty1971
Job descriptions was created by marty1971
I am the VP of the Dezavala Elementary PTO in San Antonio, Texas. I would like to put job descriptions together for the President,Vice-President, Treasurer, Historian, and Secretary positions prior to my term expiring.

I'm going to ask my colleagues to provide input in developing these job descriptions but would appreciate any guidance that you may provide. Prior to this year the school had not had an active PTO/PTA.

Does PTO have any information available? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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