I am President of our district PTO. We have a fantastic Treasurer. She has a spred sheet with each school listed and their credits and debits along with the general funds. Each school has their own fund raiser. The money raised by that school is ear marked for that school less 2% that goes into the general fund. This covers all the expenses for that fund raiser, i.e. paper for letters going home, posters, etc. We do not wait until the end of the year to get what the school needs. We do this throughout the year. It works very well until you get a parent who is a school representive and thinks she should be running the show for that school. We have worked through those and doing so right now...enough said about that. There are times it seems so time consuming and just too much, but is so well worth it when you look into the sweet faces of the students.
Our district has been evolving over the past several years. We started out with each elementary building having their own PTO, and one of our two middle schools had it's own PTO. Then, four years ago, the district restructured and the PTOs evolved to match. We had three elementary PTOs merge to create an "Eastside PTO" and five elementary PTOs merge to create a "Westside PTO." The one middle school PTO remained on it's own.
At the end of the school year last spring, the district was restructured again and the PTOs merged, creating a new PTO covering grades K-8 in seven buildings. The way we have it set up, funds from our fundraisers go into one "pot" which is divided among the schools -- evenly or according to student population, depending on the line item in the budget.
I am the treasurer (have been for the past 5 years through all the transitions). PTO Today's Finance Manager has been a great tool for us this year! We have one treasurer and two vice treasurers. I'd be happy to provide more info to you either here or privately...cbrock795@sbcglobal.net
Not sure if this is the same, but we have a primary(I am pres there),Intermediate, Middle and High School. Each one has their own officers and runs there events and things individually.
We also have a what we call a Coordinating Council which is all 4 schools meet monthly to make sure any of our events are not conflicting. At the begining of each school year the new pres has to hand in a school calendar so this doesn't happen. Fundraisers can not conflict. We discuss things that are affecting all schools, We follow all the same bylaws.
As for the fundraiser thing all our fundraisers are for each individual schol. EXCEPT in the spring we run an annual Chinese Auction we all participate by each school having specific jobs. We take out all our expenses in the end and split the total among each school. We raise a lot of money doing it for all 4 schools.
IF this is the info your looking for you can email me if you want more info on how to run it. I am also the Coordinating Council President too.
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Cindy<br />
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<br>"People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege."
In our district there are two district-wide organizations.
One is a Foundation that appears to primarily to be involved with grants and receiving large gifts (and funding projects with those funds).
Another handles classroom volunteers, mentoring, and training for those volunteers.
(And probably each does other things, too; I'm still new here, so I don't really know.)
But by and large, it seems that most schools -- 4 Elementary, 2 Middle -- still have their own PTOs. (I don't know what the two charter schools or the high school do.)
I suppose in a very small or very well-behaved community, a single PTO might work.
18 years 3 months ago#105024by <Fundraising>
My first thought was how are the $'s going to be distributed evenly among involved schools if it's a lump sum? Can you keep the peace if it's a lump sum? Will one school say they are larger and get more $'s but may not be the largest raiser?
Or will raised $'s be accounted for by schools in the district and the school can draw on it's raised money account?
Is anyone invoved in a district PTO? Our community is trying to merge all PTO's to form a district PTO for fundraising. Want to know if anyone has been involved in this and ideas on it?