Not sure what info your looking for. For cash funds do you mean when you have events/donations that involve cash which needs to be deposited?
Our bylaws spell out that the treasurer is responsible for having the necessary forms for all financial transactions. We have a check request form, cashbox, & deposit which are the primary ones. We expect signatures from the persons involved on each one. And as treasurer, I make sure I have the form filled out for each transaction also.
Our ByLaws dictate that the event chair has 5 days to prepare and get the money to the treasurer and the treasurer has 3 to deposit it into the bank. We had issues with it taking a month + with some in the past. So we put it into the bylaws.
The bylaws also stipulate the types and frequency of reports the Treasurer must have done.
Our bylaws and finance forms are all posted on our website
Lake Center PTO
The Bylaws are on the About US page & there's a Finance page with all of the forms the Treasurer uses.
We just updated our ByLaws this past year and reorganized the entire PTO. Our committee felt it was important to make some of the timeframes a part of the official document to make sure they had a document which people would follow.
Too often, it was a procedure, so we don't have to "completely
" follow it.
Hope some of this helps you formulate what you're looking for.