The strangest thing I've heard...
The way of mtg in separate rooms via .. intercom.
the principal doesnt have to let any group meet at school but what keeps the group from moving to another location? How long has this gone on? Meeting at someone house, etc is that a posibility
Are they actual PTO mtg or are they corporal punishment assemblies?
Both your posts talk about beating of children and corporal punishment is why I'm wondering...
which would be different from trying to run a PTO mtg (ie school invovlemnt, education, fundraisng, parent if the membership agrees then its would be a part of the PTO mission but not its main reason for being-activism, political and lobbying may be only as small pertentage of PTA/PTO as stated by law... no child should be beaten.. agreed, spanked not agree
I'd check on the fire code (sounds bogus to me) and move up the school chain of command
[ 09-16-2006, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: Shawn ]