Must be that kinda week! I had my Vice President Resign yesterday. I'd like to thank those of you that suggested to look at the bylaws. I've already started working on a replacement, however, hadn't looked at my bylaws to review what they state about a member stepping down mid-term.
There has been lots of tention and stuff going on. With new parents coming on, I didn't want them to get tangled into it. The only thing our by-laws state is that when a member leaves the board they are to return any pto property pertaining to their postion for the next person. We won't have a member holding two spots. If she moves up to the treasurer slot her old postion will be open to fill.
I don't think I will even have to worry about any of this, she just up and quite this afternoon. Said she will hand everything in on tuesday when we come back to school.
My opinion is that no board member should hold 2 seats which is what will happen if your board member takes over her job and especially the treasurers job. Why do you feel it is best that she step down now instead of letting her stay until she is replaced?
As the others said it is important to follow your bylaws if this is covered in them. My opinion though for the integrity of the organization would be to replace her ASAP, but with a new person and not another board member.
18 years 2 months ago#104463by <beignets&coffee>
what do yuor bylaws say abnout replacing resigning bd members or officers and interim replacements? adhere to them is a safe step.
if you have no bylaws that address such matters, then maybe consider forming some and voting them (rules, policies and procedures) in, ASAP.
making up new procedures and rules ad hoc/on the fly and igoring existing rules (in the event they exist) makes your group lose credibility and opens up potential problems that can cost you more time than that which you may 'lose' at the meeting youre worried abouut, later dn theroad.
I think all board members need to be kept up to speed on a change such as this. If you do it without discussing it with them, I guarentee you it will be brought up by someone at the meeting and potential derail the meeting agenda.
Why not email all the board members, telling them about the change, what to expect, etc. If they have questions or concerns, they can email you back or call you or whatever.
That way the only thing that would have to take place at the meeting would be whatever formal steps you have to take based on your by-laws.
Need a bit of advice here. In a meeting last week, our treasurer opened the door to be replaced. She stated that she wanted to be replaced, that she would stay on till someone replaced her. We have our board meeting coming up next week. After some thought and talk with two other members. We feel that it is best for her to step down now. Another board member is willing to slid into her spot. Makes total since to me since she already knows how things work and then just fill her spot. We have alot to go over in our next board meeting. My question is this, do I have a short meeting with the treasurer and two other board members before the board meeting about her stepping down or do I need to do it in the board meeting with all 6 or 7 of us? I am just worried that this will destract our agenda for the board meeting and make our meeting go much longer which some members can't stay that long.