One way to save paper is to distribute one copy per family, not one per child. Our attendance clerk ran a file for us with each family listed. The oldest/only child in each family gets a packet. This is slightly more work for you and the teachers, but saves TONS on paper and copying. You can print out labels or something to place on the packets so the teachers know who to give them to. Good luck.
The thing is that we need to get these people aware we are out there. If I don't pass out a membership packet what can I pass out that is less paper but will get these people to our website.
Right now I'm sure that I'm the only person who visits our website and that's because I'm building it!!
One of the features of our PTO Manager (the Volunteer Builder module) is the ability to run your volunteer interests and sign-up surveys right online.
Parents go to your PTO manager pages and can review the events and volunteer opportunities and click if they're interested in helping out. Pretty neat stuff.