Originally posted by pmspto:
We are in the business of providing enrichment activities and other educational benefits to the students. We are not in the financial services industry.
True, but you don't want to be spending money just to say you bought something. Better to hold onto the funds. I really wish we would have had an extra $5 k last year. Our Media Center needed it.
That's what our group used to do when run by the school. They tried to zero out the account, so they pushed money all over the place to say that we spent it.
For carry-over, We like to have enough to cover any expenses that might come up before the fall fundraiser kicks in. We had a balance around $6k last year. Even if our fall fundraiser flops, we can cover a couple of budget categories with that.
If our fund raiser is huge, we have an extra $6k to work with. (Our net last year was around $40 k.)
I think it's OK, (if not imperative) for a PTO to think in terms of their fiscal year rather that the school calendar year. Schools have a sense of urgency to do things at the end of their year that a PTO does not necessarily have to deal with.