We used to have just one secretary, but we wanted to expand the job to do more PR, and get another person involved on the board so we split the job into those two roles. I'm not sure I would use the title Corresponding Secretary, but it's traditional now.
We have a corresponding secretary who is responsible for all PR and marketing. Specifically: PTO newsletter, website, bulletin board, PTO meeting reminders, thank you notes, sympathy notes, email broadcasts, and anything else that fits that general category. In contrast, our recording secretary prepares the agenda and other paperwork for our general meetings and takes minutes for the exec and general meetings. Hope that helps.
We have a Corresponding Secretary position. Which I would assume is probably similar to your Reporter position. Our Recording Secretary is in charge of the newsletter and things like Thank you letters to companies that donated items and to volunteers for their time.
I hope this helps some.
Depends on who u ask whether I know how 2 drive... (Wife - Yes) (Idiot(s) on CA freeway -No)
<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...