Originally posted by dlf:
I would suspect too that our actual bank account numbers etc. are not on the financial tool manager?
Right. There's no field for that info and no reason it's needed in the system. (Just like ss# or credit card numbers) You're not processing any transactions (writing checks or taking credit cards) in the system.
Thanks Tim it does. At least now I can "wax eloquently" on the subject using the proper terminology. I knew you all had the security aspects covered but some folks are still leary given their concerns about id theft etc....
I would suspect too that our actual bank account numbers etc. are not on the financial tool manager?
I assume you're talking about the software, right?
The system uses industry-standard security (password protection, third-party hosting at secure, multiple back-up facility, etc.) measures. The password protection and mutliple levels of access (program coordinator, officer, chair, member) ensure that only folks you allow see only the information you allow.
Other key detail is that the p[rogram doesn't store anything that would be problematic for troubling things like identity-theft. No social security numbers, no credit card numbers...
Are you asking about PTO Today access to your data? We get reports on data volume across the whole system (so we can track things like server demand and make sure the wheels spin correctly). No one here at the office could get into your data or make changes. Yes, the passwords are unique to you and you can change yours any time you like. We don't have access to that.
Hi Tim--or anyone else already subscribing to the management tools. I've sent away for the information but have a meeting tomorrow night where I'd like to introduce the idea of purchasing this tool for next year. I see that as my last year and I want the "system" to be in place before I leave. Here's my question, the confidentiality of the information. Who in the big PTO world can access this stuff since it is web based. Can your folks go in and tweak it or is it secure due to the passwords. That was the first issue that came up on a preliminary push that I made for folks to look at the program.
Can you give me the information I need so that I can address the confidentiality issues....