Hi jdanner - send an email message to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I'll forward my group's by-laws to you.
7/7/06 note - as of July 1, they're no longer 'my' bylaws so I feel it would be unethical to meet any future requests for copies. -cc
im new to the committee this year. i helped all year with a new president, we had a good year. i am co-pres this year. we are trying to get things together. we did not get a copy of the by laws so we have no idea whta they are and if they still apply. we addaptated from another school but they changed theirs too. if anyone has some ideas for by laws or a copy of your schools i would much appriciate it. its had to press the rules if you dont know them!!!!! THAnks for all your help..